日本イギリス法研究所 Institute for English and Japanese Laws


Omi Hatashin, BA Tokyo, MA, PhD Lancaster, PgDL, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple)

Relevant interests: law and management; comparative law; civil justice, criminal justice, politics and constitutions; decision making

Christopher C. E. R. Barder, MA Cantab, PGCE, JP

Relevant interests: British politics and the constitution in the UK; English law and the magistracy; laws and politics of successions to the former Ottoman territories of the Middle East.

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Yuko Funakoshi, Professor of Law, Kyoto Women’s University

Relevant interests: Civil Law, Common Law, Contract and Torts


Takeshi Wada, PhD candidate, Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Law

Relevant interests: Constitutional and Administrative Law, Local Government Law


Takanori Kawamura, PhD Candidate, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law

Relevant interests: Anglo-American Law, Social Security Law

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